Mailing Items to Fiji
Biosecurity and international mail

BAF screens all incoming international mail for the potential introduction of exotic pests and diseases into Fiji through the postal system, while facilitating the movement of mail at the same time. One of the most smuggled items in international mail is seeds which pose a very high biosecurity risk. Seeds can bring with them exotic pathogens and weeds which can be very harmful and devastate our native plants, forests and agriculture.
All mail is screened using x-ray machines at the international mail centres for pest infestation and also regulated items (especially seeds) that may be brought into the country without appropriate biosecurity permits and certification.
BAF further restricts or prohibits receiving (or importing) the following items through mail; plant cuttings and soil; herbs and spices that could contain pests; plant based medicines; wooden articles with borers; tissue cultures; animal products such as bees, honey, semen, eggs, serums, canned meat, dried meat and milk, meat flavoured noodles and preserved insect specimens. If you have a query please email before sending items to Fiji.
Mail found infested with pests or containing restricted or prohibited items would be required by BAF to undergo treatment where applicable (for example, in the case of wooden articles or used horse saddles). In other cases, confiscation and destruction or re-export to the country of origin at the owner’s/importer’s expense is applicable. People found breaching BAF requirements for mailing regulated items could also face fines and/or imprisonment.