An important issue that often confronts many people planning to relocate to another country is the question of what to do with their pets. Should you bring them with you, leave them behind with friends or family, give them up for adoption or drop them off at the local animal shelter. It’s diffi cult for many pet owners to imagine moving overseas without their beloved pet in tow. For the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF), the main concern with regards to pets or domesticated animals brought into Fiji is the potential transmission of diseases; particularly rabies which is a deadly viral infection that can be spread by the infected animals to humans. Fiji is free of rabies and it is important that we maintain that status. The introduction of
rabies would have serious consequences for Fiji’s animal and human health. As such, BAF has strict biosecurity controls on import of domesticated animals (dogs and cats) into Fiji to help prevent introduction of exotic (foreign) diseases into Fiji. Currently BAF is only allowing domesticated dogs and cats into Fiji. This article outlines some of the biosecurity requirements which will not only help pet owners bring in their pets safely and legally into Fiji but also protect our country from
unwanted animal diseases.
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